Why would I need Shamanic Healing?
First, let's talk about the space between 'healing' and 'curing'. Healing provides spiritual, emotional and energetic assistance for the body to support itself and creates a loving place of management and acceptance. As opposed to curing which is the treatment of the discomfort itself rather than the underlying energetic or spiritual cause. Both of these modalities work in concert and support each other to restore wholeness to you.
In our contemporary lives we are busy, stressed and pressed to perform. We are often drained, fatigued and left feeling less than ourselves. Negative energies can attach and build up in the body which makes one vulnerable to power blockages and soul loss.
You could benefit from a Shamanic healing if you:
- Are experiencing chronic pain or illness.
- you don't feel like 'yourself' anymore.
- Your energy feels blocked.
- want to learn how to connect with your power animal(s) and guides.
- need a renewed sense of self worth.
- have depression.
- you feel as if a part of you is missing.
- feel drained, fatigued and empty.
- have recently experienced a loss.
- have had recent life changes.
- have unresolved emotional issues.
- feel as if you are at crossroads or dead end.
- repeating behaviors or choices that are no longer working for you.
- These and many other health and well being concerns can be addressed through Shamanic healing.