Shamanic Services
Power Animal RETRIEVAL
Sandra will journey for you to retrieve your power animal. Power animals need care and attention to remain available for you, it is a relationship that you agree to enter into.
Negative Energy EXTRACTION
During a Negative Energy Extraction these energies are removed and positive energy is put in its place. This is a deep healing ceremony that should leave you feeling lighter, more free, clear and relaxed.
Shamanic Reiki
This combination can be a gentle entry to deeper Shamanic healing. In tandem these two work well to clear the energy body and assist in healing emotionally and physically.
Spirit’s Choice
In this ceremony, Sandra will Journey/Trance to speak with your guides and hers to ask what is needed for you at this time. This can be a quick or long session, though most certainly a deep healing.
Soul Retrieval
Soul loss is something that we all experience. After a soul retrieval session you should begin to feel more whole, more like yourself, and more joyful as the pieces integrate. The benefits of this ceremony will be felt for years to come.
Remote Spirit Guidance
Sandra will journey with your guides and hers to attain guidance for your on a question or life issue. You can expect an answer that is to the point.
Monthly Journey Groups at your yoga studio, spiritual center, Spa, business or facility
Sandra brings the gift of Shamanic Journey to your clients. This is an ancient and effective way to communicate with our spirit allies for life guidance and healing.